Peter Klepec (ZRC SAZU)

On the Vagaries of the Superego and Related Matters

In this intervention we will take a closer look at some of the insights of psychoanalysis with regard to the instance of the superego in the psychopathology of everyday life. Freud described the instance of the superego as particularly demanding and cruel. The superego is particularly capricious and often changes its mind and its own previous orders out of the blue. Hence vagaries of the superego. The superego is a form of authority that is always right, something that by definition cannot be satisfied. No wonder Lacan describes the superego in Seminar XX as an instance that forces us to enjoy. Moreover, the superego goes hand in hand with excess and gluttony. Our relationship with it is of a special kind—we are always in a subordinate position in relation to it, the guilt and the debt it imposes on us are infinite, the confrontatio