Paris Lavidis (University of Ljubljana)

Nya rien de ce qu’on dise qui irait sans dire: An Introduction to Axiomatization

Despite that the stakes of L’Étourdit are those of sketching a logic (“science of the real”) as the precondition of “understanding” (entendre) any logos, Lacan’s logical dires (qu’on dise…) are reduced by theorists and clinicians alike to grammatical dits (ce qui se dit). By way of remedy, I demonstrate that its substratum, “remaining forgotten behind” (restant oublié derrière), is the question of axiomatization: (1) An axiomatic is precisely what “doesn’t go without saying” (ne va pas sans dire) to the extent that it has no prior reason to be affirmed/denied. (2) Thus, the “there is…” (il existe…) of an axiomatic is the (ex-sistent) dire; the axiomatized itself is the (existent) dit; hence the truth of the axiomatic “never surpasses” (ne dépasse jamais) a mi-dit. (3) The “there ain’t…” (il ‘nya’ pas…), on the contrary, of Freud’s dire is thus not an axiomatic but its (paradoxically meta-axiomatized) impasse under the guise of mathèmes.